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Wisconsin Traffic Operations and Safety Laboratory

The WisTransPortal System

The WisTransPortal system serves the computing and data management needs of the Wisconsin Traffic Operations and Safety (TOPS) Laboratory. The project scope includes support for ITS data archiving, real-time traffic information services, transportation operations applications, and transportation research. Learn more.

WisTransPortal Crash Database Documentation

The WisTransPortal contains a complete database of Wisconsin crash data from 1994 through the current year. This database contains information on all reported crashes in Wisconsin, including the location of each crash, vehicles involved, and general crash attributes. Personal data have been removed. Crash data in this system is updating on a nightly basis from Wisconsin Crash Database extract. The TOPS Lab maintains this database for research purposes and as a service to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT). Information regarding WisTransPortal crash data user accounts and data requests is available from the Crash Data Resources page.

Crash data in this system is available in two different formats corresponding to the current (DT4000) and previous (MV4000) versions of the Wisconsin police crash report. DT4000 crash data, available from 2017 to the present, is the default Data Source and is suitbable for queries involving the last five years of crash data. The MV4000 represents the prior version of the Wisconsin crash report that was retired at the end of 2016. In order to support multiple year queries the MV4000 database is continuously updated with present day crashes by translating DT4000 elements and attributes into corresponding "legacy" MV4000 definitions. Crash data is available in MV4000 format from 1994 to the present.

WisTransPortal DT4000 Crash Database

WisTransPortal MV4000 Crash Database

WisTransPortal Crash Data Training Materials

WisDOT SAS Extracts Table and Column Defintions 
Crash Data Additional Resources 

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