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Wisconsin Traffic Operations and Safety Laboratory

The WisTransPortal System

The WisTransPortal system serves the computing and data management needs of the Wisconsin Traffic Operations and Safety (TOPS) Laboratory. The project scope includes support for ITS data archiving, real-time traffic information services, transportation operations applications, and transportation research. Learn more.

V-SPOC Project Information
This page contains information about the WisTransPortal V-SPOC (Volume, Speed, and Occupancy) application suite. Information on how to obtain a V-SPOC user account is provided below. Login access to V-SPOC is available from the WisTransPortal Web Applications area.


V-SPOC Project Overview

The WisTransPortal contains a complete database archive of all 5-minute traffic detector data (volume, speed, and occupancy) from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) for the years 1997-present. The archive includes data for the Milwaukee (SE Region), Madison (SW Region), and Wausau (NC Region) metropolitan areas. The WisTransPortal database is updated every 24 hours with WisDOT ATMS detector data from the previous day.

The V-SPOC (Volume, Speed, and Occupancy) Application Suite was developed in partnership with the WisDOT Statewide Traffic Operations Center (STOC) as a component of the WisTransportal to provide online tools to retrieve and analyze traffic detector data from the ATMS data archive. The V-SPOC web-interface includes a complete detector database query selection tool, data visualization and export capabilities, data quality reporting, and integration with other ITS data sets in the WisTransPortal database.

V-SPOC was developed to enhance an existing software application at the WisDOT STOC. Desired improvements included increased efficiencies in the data archiving and retrieval process, support for users outside of WisDOT to easily obtain data, and integration with a monthly Freeway Performance Measures report. In addition, V-SPOC was designed to be portable and freely available for use in other state traffic operations centers.

The V-SPOC Application Suite includes the following modules:

  • General Detector Data Retrieval - General Purpose Detector Data Export and Graphing Utility
  • Corridor Analysis - Corridor Volume Data Balancing Tool and Graphing Utility
  • Monthly Data - Region-Wide Detector Data Export Tool
  • Ramp Meter Retiming - Data Export Function for the Ramp Meter Retiming Workbook
  • TRADAS - Data Export Function for the WisDOT TRADAS System
  • Corridor Meta Data - Inventory Report of Corridors, Count Locations, Controllers, and Detectors
  • Corridor Configuration Management - Corridor, Detector, Controller, Count Location Configuration Management Tool

V-SPOC is a thin-client web application with minimal computer requirements; for the majority of its functionality just a browser and internet connection will suffice. Information on how to obtain a V-SPOC user account is provided below.

V-SPOC Documentation

V-SPOC User Account Information

V-SPOC login accounts are available upon request. To request a V-SPOC login account, send mail to Steven Parker, Ph.D. at TOPS Lab: Please include your basic contact information.

VSPOC Project Contact Information

For questions or comments about V-SPOC, please contact:

TOPS Laboratory:

Steven Parker, PhD
IT Project Manager
Traffic Operations and Safety Laboratory
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison
2205 Engineering Hall
1415 Engineering Drive
Madison, Wisconsin 53706

Phone: 608-265-4921
Fax: 608-262-5199

Wisconsin DOT:

Doug Dembowski, PE
Statewide Traffic Operations Center
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
433 West St. Paul Avenue
Suite 300
Milwaukee, WI 53203

Phone: 414-227-2149
Fax: 414-227-2164

V-SPOC Project Staff


  • Bin Ran, PhD, TOPS Principal Investigator
  • Steven Parker, PhD, TOPS Co-PI / Project Manager
  • Michael Runnels, TOPS Associate Programmer
  • Shan Di, TOPS Research Assistant
  • Changxuang Pan, TOPS Research Assistant
  • Zhaozheng Yin, TOPS Research Assistant
  • Doug Dembowski, WisDOT Project Manager
  • John Mishefski, WisDOT Information Consultant
  • Ertan Ornek, TOPS Lab (formerly DAAR Engineering)
  • Tim Vik, DAAR Engineering

Information for State DOTs

V-SPOC was designed to be portable and freely available for use in other state traffic operations centers. Contact Steven Parker (TOPS) or Doug Dembowski (WisDOT) for information on how to obtain V-SPOC source code and deployment documentation. A complete stand-alone demonstration version with sample data is also available to deploy in a test environment.

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