Request Wisconsin Crash Data
The TOPS Lab provides Wisconsin crash data and copies of police crash reports as a service to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Bureau of Traffic Operations.
Request Wisconsin Crash Data
The TOPS Lab provides data files of crash records based on specific location and date range to anyone in the general public, including government, engineering consultants, media, law firms, non-profit organizations, and individuals. The crash database, provided by WisDOT Division of State Patrol, contains records for all police reported crashes in Wisconsin from 1994 through the current year. Information on the location of the crash, vehicles involved, and general crash attributes are available. Personal data have been removed.
To request Wisconsin crash data, please complete the Wisconsin Crash Data Request Form (MS Word) and return it to Ms. Andrea Bill, TOPS Lab Associate Director:
Traffic Operations and Safety (TOPS) Laboratory
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison
2205 Engineering Hall
1415 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Phone: 608-890-3425
Fax: 608-262-5199
A PDF version of the Crash Data Request Form is also available.
Download Statewide Annual Extracts
Standardized statewide annual crash data extracts are made available to the public as data are finalized. Please see the WI_Annual_Crash_Data_Flyer.pdf for availability and download links.
Request Copies of Police Crash Reports
The TOPS Lab is authorized to provide copies of crash reports to government agencies and consultants working on WisDOT projects per a Crash Records Agreement between WisDOT and UW-Madison. The WisTransPortal crash reports file repository, provided by WisDOT Division of State Patrol, contains crash report image files from 2000 through the current year.
To request copies of crash reports from the TOPS Lab, please send a list of crash report document numbers to Consultants should include the WisDOT Project ID with their request.
Additional Information
- To request crash data analysis, contact the WisDOT Bureau of Transportation Safety (BOTS) Program and Policy Unit at
- If you were involved in a crash, copies of individual crash reports may be purchased online from the WisDOT Purchase Crash Reports website.
- Additional information regarding open records requests may be found on the WisDOT Open Records information page.
The TOPS Lab will process each request as soon as possible. Most requests are processed within 5-10 business days.
See the TOPS Lab Crash Data Resources FAQ for more information
on the WisTransPortal crash database and data access options.