Parking Data For Website and App Developers
Below are links to obtain truck parking availability data for use by website and application developers.
This data is provided by each state in two data feeds. The first data feed includes parking availability data updated at least every 5 minutes for public
and participating private truck parking locations. The second data feed includes metadata for the truck parking areas. Below are links to the two data
feeds for each state and a link to register to obtain the data feed links.
The two data feeds from each state are consistently formatted. The following document provides a detailed description of the JSON format the two data feeds use:
TPIMS Data Exchange Specification Document
TPIMS Dynamic and Static Public Data Feeds by State
ILLINOIS Dynamic Feed Static Feed |
INDIANA Dynamic Public Feed Static Public Feed |
IOWA Email to register for data feeds |
KANSAS Registration Form |
KENTUCKY Dynamic Public Feed Static Public Feed |
MICHIGAN Email to register for data feeds |
MINNESOTA Dynamic Public Feed Static Public Feed |
OHIO Dynamic Public Feed Static Public Feed |
WISCONSIN Email to register for data feeds |