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Wisconsin Traffic Operations and Safety Laboratory

The WisTransPortal System

The WisTransPortal system serves the computing and data management needs of the Wisconsin Traffic Operations and Safety (TOPS) Laboratory. The project scope includes support for ITS data archiving, real-time traffic information services, transportation operations applications, and transportation research. Learn more.

Wisconsin Crash Data Resources

The WisTransPortal contains a complete database of Wisconsin crash data from 1994 through the current year. This database contains information on all police reported crashes* in Wisconsin including the location of each crash, vehicles involved, and general crash attributes. Personal data have been removed. Electronic copies of police crash reports from 2000 to the current year are also available. The TOPS Lab maintains the crash database and crash report file repository for research purposes and as a service to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT).

Note: as of January 1, 2017, the Wisconsin MV4000 police crash report form has been updated and renamed the Wiscosnin DT4000 Motor Vehicle Crash Report.

Wisconsin crash data is available from the TOPS Lab by request or through user account access to the WisTransPortal:

Request Wisconsin Crash Data
Request Wisconsin crash data or copies of crash reports from the TOPS Lab.

Request a User Account
WisTransPortal crash data user account information and guidelines.

Contact Information
TOPS Lab and WisDOT crash data support and contact information.

See the TOPS Lab Crash Data Resources FAQ for more information on the WisTransPortal crash database and data access options.

* A reportable crash is defined as a crash resulting in injury or death of any person, any damage to government-owned non-vehicle property to an apparent extent of $200 or more, or total damage to property owned by any one person to an apparent extent of $1000 or more. (This definition went into effect 1/1/96). It is important to note, however, that not all reportable crashes are reported. In order for a crash to be in the database, an MV4000 or DT4000 crash report must have been completed by a police officer.

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