Operational Concept

An Operational Concept documents each stakeholder's current and future roles and responsibilities in the operation of the regional ITS systems. The operational concept documents these roles and responsibilities across a range of transportation services. For purposes of the WisTransPortal project architecture, the Operational Concept is organized along the WisTransPortal subproject areas which support distinct traffic operations and safety data and business requirements.

WisTransPortal_Crash DataSubproject that encompasses WisTransPortal MV4000 crash data resources including crash data, crash report image files, crash GIS information, supporting data flows, and end-user stakeholders. Click to view the flow diagram.
WisTransPortal_ITS/OtherSubproject that encompasses WisTransPortal ITS applications that are not captured in the other categories, such as WisTransPortal highway maintenance related applications and ITS as-built plan information. Click to view the flow diagram.
WisTransPortal_Lane ClosuresSubproject that encompasses WisTransPortal work zone information, including the Wisconsin Lane Closure System and related data flows. Click to view the flow diagram.
WisTransPortal_Traffic DataSubproject that encompasses WisTransPortal traffic data, including freeway detector data from the WisDOT STOC ATMS and traffic volume data from the WisDOT DTIM planning database. Click to view the flow diagram.
WisTransPortal_Traffic IncidentsSubproject that encompasses WisTransPortal traffic incident data resources, including the InterCAD traffic incident data exchange system and TIA incident alerts. Click to view the flow diagram.
WisTransPortal_Traffic VideoSubproject that encompasses WisTransPortal CCTV traffic camera resources, including the LINK agency video sharing system. Click to view the flow diagram.

Wisconsin Traffic Operations and Safety Laboratory.

Last Modified on Tue, 06 Dec 2011, 09:00:26 PM. Please send comments to transportal@topslab.wisc.edu.