WisDOT_DTSD_BTO_STOC_ATMS Detector Data Extract - Traffic Management Functionality

Subsystem Description

The Traffic Management Subsystem monitors and controls traffic and the road network. It represents centers that manage a broad range of transportation facilities including freeway systems, rural and suburban highway systems, and urban and suburban traffic control systems. This subsystem communicates with the Roadway Subsystem to monitor and manage traffic flow and monitor the condition of the roadway, surrounding environmental conditions, and field equipment status. This subsystem coordinates with the Maintenance and Construction Management Subsystem to maintain the road network and coordinate and adapt to maintenance activities, closures, and detours. Incidents are detected, verified, and incident information is provided to allied agencies, drivers (through Roadway Subsystem highway advisory radio and dynamic message signs), and information service providers. This subsystem also manages traffic and transportation resources to support allied agencies in responding to, and recovering from, incidents ranging from minor traffic incidents through major disasters. When required, special traffic management strategies are implemented to support evacuation and reentry. The Traffic Management Subsystem supports HOV lane management and coordination, road pricing, and other demand management policies that can alleviate congestion and influence mode selection. It also manages reversible lane facilities and barrier and safeguard systems that control access to transportation infrastructure. The subsystem communicates with other Traffic Management Subsystems to coordinate traffic information and control strategies in neighboring jurisdictions. It also coordinates with rail operations to support safer and more efficient highway traffic management at highway-rail intersections. Finally, the Traffic Management Subsystem provides the capabilities to exercise control over those devices utilized for automated highway system (AHS) traffic and vehicle control.

Functional Area: Collect Traffic Surveillance

Management of traffic sensors and surveillance (CCTV) equipment, collection of current traffic conditions, and distribution of the collected information to other centers and operators.

Functional Area: TMC Incident Detection

Remotely monitors traffic sensor and surveillance systems to detect and verify incidents. Also monitors external advisory and incident reporting systems, intermodal freight depots, and border crossings for additional incident information. Identified incidents are reported to operations personnel and other centers.

Functional Area: TMC Incident Dispatch Coordination/Communication

Formulates an incident response that takes into account the incident potential, incident impacts, and/or resources required for incident management. Facilitates the dispatch of emergency response and service vehicles and coordinates the response with cooperating agencies.

Functional Area: Traffic Data Collection

Collection and storage of traffic management data. For use by operations personnel or data archives in the region.

Functional Area: Traffic Maintenance

Monitoring and remote diagnostics of field equipment - detect failures, issue problem reports, and track the repair or replacement of the failed equipment.

Wisconsin Traffic Operations and Safety Laboratory.

Last Modified on Tue, 06 Dec 2011, 09:00:35 PM. Please send comments to transportal@topslab.wisc.edu.